Youth for Human Rights Information Kit

Educators: To help you learn more about Youth for Human Rights International’s human rights educational aids—and how you can make human rights an everyday reality in your area—we offer the Youth for Human Rights information kit exclusively to educators, human rights advocates and civil rights activists who teach students 10-17 years of age in classroom, group instruction or community learning settings.
Your free kit includes:
- The What are Human Rights? booklet, containing an illustrated version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, readily understood by young people.
- A DVD featuring Making Human Rights a Reality, an introduction to our worldwide human rights education program and human rights awareness-raising tools that you can put to immediate use: the 9 1/2-minute award-winning educational film, The Story of Human Rights; 30 public service announcements depicting each of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and the UNITED anti-bullying music video.
One free kit per educator—includes free shipping. To receive your free kit, fill out the form to the right.
EDUCATORS WITH STUDENTS 18 AND OLDER, TAKE NOTE: The Bringing Human Rights to Life information kit is offered free to those who teach students/participants ages 18 and above in a classroom or group learning setting. Click here for information and to order.